Information according to § 5 E-Commerce Act, disclosure obligation according to § 14 UGB, imprint and disclosure obligation according to § 25 MedienG
PKF Rößlhuber & Partner Steuerberatungs GmbH & Co KG
Object of the company: Tax consultancy
Reichenhallerstraße 7
5020 Salzburg
Tel +43 662 84 22 90
Fax +43 662 84 99 37
Salzburg Provincial Court
Company register number: 70247f
Legal form: Company with limited liability and Co KG
UID: ATU54418606
Bankhaus Carl Spängler & Co AG, BIC: SPAEAT2S, IBAN: AT55 1953 0001 0017 6986
Raiffeisenverband Salzburg, BIC: RVSAAT2S, IBAN: AT12 3500 0000 0215 6503
Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich AG, BIC: RZOOAT2L, IBAN: AT87 3400 0483 0447 5414
Managing Director (MD) und Shareholder(SH):
MMag Stephan Rößlhuber (MD,SH), Allgemeine Revisions- und Treuhandgesellschaft Salzburg Steuerberatungsgesellschaft m.b.H. (O)
General Partner: Allgemeine Revisions- u. Treuhandgesellschaft Salzburg Steuerberatungsgesellschaft m.b.H.
PKF Revisionstreuhand Wirtschaftsprüfungsges mbH
Object of the company: Tax consultancy and audit
Reichenhallerstraße 7
5020 Salzburg
Tel +43 662 84 22 90
Fax +43 662 84 99 37
Landesgericht Salzburg
Firmenbuchnummer: 41429a
Rechtsform: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich AG, BIC: RZOOAT2L, IBAN: AT36 3400 0607 0447 5406
Managing Director (MD) und Shaereholder (SH):
MMag. Stephan Rößlhuber (MD,SH), Mag. Josef Nothdurfter (MD), Dr. Andreas Staribacher (MD), Mag. Hildegard Kasinger (MD), Wals Treuhand GmbH (SH), Allgemeine Revisions- und Treuhandgesellschaft Salzburg Steuerberatungs gmbH (SH)
Angaben für beide Gesellschaften:
Member of Kammer der Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer
Our professionial activities are governed by the provisions of the Austrian Auditing, Tax Advising and Related Professions Act (WTBG)
PKF Rößlhuber & Partner Stb Gmbh & Co KG as well as PKF Revisionstreuhand Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft mbH are members of PKF Global, the network of member firms of PKF International Limited, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity and does not accept any responsibility or liability for the actions or inactions of any individual member or correspondent firm(s).
“PKF” and the PKF logo are registered trademarks used by PKF International Limited and member firms of the PKF Global Network. They may not be used by anyone other than a duly licensed member firm of the Network.
Purpose of Publication: General Information in relation to tax advice, business consultancy and auditing.
Please note
The contents of the website are not a comprehensive presentation and cannot replace tax or other professional advice tailored to the specifics of the individual case. We endeavour to ensure that the content of the website is correct and up to date. Nevertheless, you should seek individual advice before making or refraining from making specific decisions.
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We have carefully compiled the information contained in this website and endeavour to check and update it on an ongoing basis. Nevertheless, we cannot accept any liability for the accuracy, topicality, completeness and ongoing availability of our content. We also do not guarantee that the content of our website is suitable for the user and his purposes. We accept no responsibility for decisions made by the user on the basis of the content. We only provide binding information, advice, recommendations or explanations in the context of individual communication.
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The use of any photographic works and photographic images (photographs, graphics and other pictorial representations) on the website of PKF Rößlhuber & Partner Stb Gmbh & Co KG as well as PKF Revisionstreuhand Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft mbH takes place with the explicit consent of the respective authors and rights holders.
Applicable law/jurisdiction
Austrian law shall apply exclusively to any existing or future legal relationships and only Austrian courts shall have jurisdiction.